Table of Contents


The Moving Average

Simple Low-Pass, High-Pass, and Gaussian Filters

Signals and Systems

Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Impulse Response and Convolution

Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier Transform

Continuous vs. Discrete Periodic Signals: Sampling and Quantization


Aliasing and the Nyquist Frequency

Window Shapes and Sizes

Magnitude, Phase, and the Complex Plane

Magnitude Spectra and Spectrograms

Harmonics and Resonances

Resonance Frequencies, Bandwidths, and Magnitude Curves in the Complex Plane

Laplace and z Transforms

Resonance Filters and Klatt-Type Speech Synthesis

Cepstral Analysis


Image Smoothing: Sobel, Median, and Gaussian Filters

Edge Detection

Morphological Filters

Image Segmentation


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